Twenty years in the biz equals a lot of words!
I’ve curated a small collection of projects that illustrate my versatility and creativity with the written word.
Like what you see?

One of my fave services! Your website serves as a critical piece of your brand’s online presence, and your copy should reflect why people should want to work with/buy from you. Whether starting from scratch or refreshing existing copy, I’ve done it all!
Behold, a few of my recent web copy projects:

Over the past 20 years, I’ve written articles for dozens of consumer and trade publications across North America, spanning topics from wine pairings to construction projects to the latest interior design trends. Explore a (very) small sampling of some of my published work. Please contact me for trade publication samples.
Publications I have been featured in:
Going Places | The Cottager | Ciao! Magazine | Dish Magazine | Winnipeg Women | Winnipeg Men | What’s HERS Magazine | Marketplace Magazine | Career Connections Magazine | Canadian School Counsellor | Ayoko Magazine | Upword | Covet | The Troweller | Redefining the Road | Hardsurfaces Magazine | Basin Bits | Hosting | ALLPRO Independent | Celly | At Home | ResearchLife | TeachingLife
Destination: Land of Fire & Ice (At Home Magazine) (Please contact me for link.)
A Critical Lens on Reconciliation (UM Today News + Research Life Magazine)
Cozy, Charming English Countryside (At Home Magazine)
(Please contact me for link.) -
Summer’s Hottest Plants (Covet Magazine)
Making Space (Teaching Life Magazine)
Barrelling Toward Bakken Optimization (Basin Bits) (Please contact me for link.)
Highway 9 Road Trip (Dish Magazine)
Mural, Mural, On the Wall (Going Places Magazine) (Please contact me for link.)

I’m currently supporting social media clients across a number of industries, including tourism, pet care and health care. I also sub-contract my social media services to two local digital marketing agencies (clients shown below are my own).
Case study #1
Background: After sitting down with me for a one-on-one Instagram consultation, this company entrusted me with their ongoing content creation.
How we collaborated: Since 2022, I’ve developed content for their Instagram and Facebook pages. I also coordinated an influencer campaign that brought in new bookings and thousands of new followers.
Results: Thanks to a solid content strategy, including lots of reels featuring their dome and cabin rentals, their social media reach and engagement continue to climb.
Case study #2
Background: Established nearly 20 years ago, this pet care client needed new social media management. In 2023, they were referred to me—and I jumped in to help!
How we collaborated: As a pet parent, I dove right into promoting their (p)awesome offerings. I now fully manage their social media channels, along with their monthly e-newsletter and blog.
Results: A healthy mix of educational, inspiring and entertaining content has led to strong engagement on social media, along with an all-time high open rate for their newsletter.
Case study #3
Coming soon!

Other writing
Ah, the elusive ‘other’ category! You’ll find the random writing samples that didn’t quite fit into the other categories. I’ll continue to add samples to this section as it strikes my fancy!
Beyond your backyard (online article for Women’s Enterprise Organizations of Canada)
Puppy Prep 101 (blog post for Pet Waggin’ Pet Care in California)
2023 annual report (annual report for Winnipeg Airports Authority)
How to celebrate Tourism Week in Manitoba (blog post for Travel Manitoba)
5 surprising benefits of solar energy systems (blog post for Vibes Energy in Manitoba)
How Indigenous women entrepreneurs are finding success through online sales (online article for WEOC)
These chefs are changing Québec’s unique foodscape (article for Globe Content Studios)